// Rosatom / // TVEL / VNIINM

Rosatom Production System

The implementation of the Rosatom Production System Project is a large-scale industry project designed not only to increase labor productivity to the level of Rosatom's foreign competitors and reduce costs, but also to increase wages and shape new rules for career growth. The purpose of implementing Rosatom Production System Project is to create a universal methodology for managing comprehensive optimization of production and management processes based on the best domestic and foreign practices, and to test it at the enterprises of The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM. In the early 1960s, VNIINM began to introduce the so-called system of scientific organization of labor, production and management of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building of USSR, which is the basis of the modern Rosatom Production System Project. Introduction of the system resulted in a manyfold increase in labor productivity. In modern Russia, the Institute commenced the implementation of Rosatom Production System Project in 2012. In early 2015, VNIINM established Research Planning and Control Department (RPCD), which carries out activities related to the implementation and achievement of strategic goals of the Institute and the fuel division of The State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM in the field of improving the management system. Since the efficiency of production processes is formed primarily at the R&D stage, the relevance of implementing the Rosatom Production System Project in VNIINM increases every year. However, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of organization of research. Today, RPCD solves such important issues as:

  • Analysis and improvement of business processes, administration and control of projects to improve the efficiency of the Institute;
  • Advancement of an integrated management system for the development of the Institute using the tools of Rosatom Production System Project;
  • Cost analysis and initiation of cost reduction projects;
  • Development, implementation and approval of methodological recommendations for R&D Management (for the first time in the industry);
  • Development of software for preparing materials for investment projects at the pre-investment phase.

Apart from the above, RPCD is actively involved in activities related to environmental responsibility of the Institute. The projects implemented in conjunction with the Chief Engineer’s Office are aimed at reducing the number of removed waste and consequently the cost, increase the environmental culture of staff and its involvement, and compliance of regulatory acts of the Russian Government and the implementation of the Environmental Policy of VNIINM, JSC are aimed at the improvement of the image of the Institute in relation to the environment.