// Rosatom / // TVEL / VNIINM

The first nuclear bomb made in USSR

On August 29, 1949, the first Soviet nuclear weapon test was conducted near Semipalatinsk, ending the nuclear monopoly of the US. The nuclear shield ensured the peaceful development of our homeland for many years to come.

After having received intelligence about the intensive mobilization of efforts by the Americans in the Manhattan Project, on September 28, 1942, SDC issued Order No. 2352 “Concerning the organization of work on uranium”.

On February 11, 1943 SDC made a resolution to organize Laboratory No. 2 of Academy of Sciences of USSR for the study of atomic energy. Igor Kurchatov was appointed head of the nuclear research center in March.

On April 9, 1946, the Council of Ministers of USSR issued Order No. 806-327 on the establishment of a special bureau for the development of nuclear weapons, KB-11, at Laboratory No. 2. P. Zernov was appointed Head of KB-11 and Yu. Khariton -- its Chief Designer.

In December 1945, our Institute started its activity. Working under an extreme pressure mode, the Institute's laboratory teams plodded their way to the solution of the most important task -- developing the materials and technologies for the first Soviet nuclear bomb.

On August 29, 1949, a successful atomic test was finally carried out. So to say it was the completion of the first stage of the Institute's work.

It became clear that a capable, cohesive team with a huge potential was created within a short time. It was ready to solve the most difficult tasks at a high scientific level. During this period, the team of researchers, designers, technologists, production and administration developed a special style of work, which included continual and transparent interaction of all departments, and a clear understanding of the importance and necessity of performing the tasks.

Besides, never forget that people worked in extremely difficult post-war conditions, when they had to invent, create, and manufacture on-site a significant part of the equipment, instruments, installations, tools, etc.

But that was in 1949.

Before that, however, the following tasks required to be solved:

survey, production, and processing of uranium ores;

domestic production of uranium-238 for nuclear reactor fuel elements;

substantiation, calculation, and construction of the first physical reactor in USSR;

development and operation of the first industrial nuclear reactor to produce plutonium;

production of plutonium in an amount sufficient to produce a nuclear charge;

plutonium separation, its conversion to metal form and production of the plutonium charge itself;

production of polonium-210 for neutron power;

and many, many others...

The result of the Soviet atomic project was the creation of a prototype of the first RDS-1 nuclear bomb in August 1949 and its successful testing. "The Motherland makes it itself!" was the code name given to the first nuclear bomb.

Сompared to the United States USSR was only four years behind in the development of nuclear weapons. The President of the USA could not believe that “those Asians could make such a complex weapon as a nuclear bomb”; only on September 23, 1949, he announced to the American people that USSR had tested a nuclear bomb.

Our Motherland highly appreciated the Institute's contribution to the great victory of Soviet science -- many employees received high awards and prizes.

In 1949, for creating the first Soviet nuclear bomb, A. A. Bochvar, among the main leaders of the uranium project, was awarded his first Star of Hero of Socialist Labor. Fifty five employees of the Institute were awarded high government awards. Eight employees were awarded the title of Stalin Prize Laureate.